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    Updated On: Oct 22, 2020


    Richard W. Mark

    Election Supervisor



    c/o 4423 Lehigh Road, #439 College Park, MD 20740 844-428-8683 Toll Free

    electionsupervisor@ibtvote.org www.ibtvote.org

    VIA EMAIL: jfry@atsff.org Mr. Jeffery L. Fry

    General Chairman

    BMWED System Federation AT&SFF 521 SE10TH STREET

    NEWTON KS 67114

    Dear Mr. Fry:

    The Office of the Election Supervisor (OES) has approved the Local Union Election Plan for:

    BMWED System Federation AT&SFF

    This letter provides you with the approved Plan and a Local Union Plan Summary that contains all the relevant information on the nomination and election of delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) in your Local. The Plan and Summary were prepared from the information your local submitted to OES, and state the procedures the Local committed to follow to conduct the election. Please check the Plan Summary to ensure that all the information is accurate and that the Local is prepared to implement it as stated.

    The Rules require the Local to post the Plan Summary on all Local Union bulletin boards as soon as possible, but in no event later than seven (7) days from the date that you receive this letter. See Article II, Section

    4(h). The Plan Summary must be posted on Office of the Election Supervisor letterhead just as it is being transmitted to you. The posting must be maintained throughout the entire nomination and election period.

    That subsection of the Rules also requires that within three (3) days of the posting, you must provide a declaration to the Election Supervisor attesting to the fact that the Plan Summary was posted as required and identifying every bulletin board site, by employer and location, where the Plan Summary was posted and the individual(s) responsible for posting and maintaining the Plan Summary at each site. ES Form 3, available on the Election Supervisor’s website, www.ibtvote.org, under “Official Forms” may be used for the declaration.

    Please do not hesitate to call me, or your Regional Director, if you have any questions or need assistance.

    Very truly yours,


    Richard W. Mark Election Supervisor October 22, 2020

    cc: Jim Devine

    jdevine@ibtvote.org Attachments

    Plan Summary for Election of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the IBT Convention

    BMWED SF AT&SFF is entitled to elect 4 delegates and has chosen to elect 4 alternate delegates to the June 2021 IBT International Convention. The expenses of the 4 delegates and 4 alternate delegates will be paid by the BMWED SF AT&SFF. The Election Supervisor has approved the BMWED SF AT&SFF's plan for conducting nominations and elections. The important details of the plan are summarized below. This summary must remain posted until 30 days after the date of posting of the names of the elected delegates and alternates, whether chosen by white ballot or as a result of a contested election.


    When & Where: See separate page with nomination-meeting schedule.

    Who Can Attend: Any active member may attend any meeting.

    Who Can Run: A member must be in continuous good standing for a period of twenty-four months prior to the month of January 2021.

    Who Can Nominate: Members in good standing (full dues paid through December 2020) may nominate or second the nomination of a candidate or slate of candidates.

    Nominations: Nominations may be made or seconded orally at the nomination meeting or submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer not later than 5:00 p.m.of the day immediately prior to the relevant meeting. It shall be signed by the member submitting the nomination or second and shall provide his/her complete mailing address.The submitting individual may also choose to provide the last four digits of his/her SSN/SIN.

    Candidate Acceptance:

    A member may accept nomination in person, or if absent from the meeting, by furnishing a written acceptance to the presiding officer not later than the time the member is nominated. It shall be signed by the member submitting the acceptance and shall provide his/her complete mailing address. The submitting individual may also choose to provide the last four digits of his/her SSN/SIN.

    Eligibility Deadline: See separate page with nomination-meeting schedule.

    Additional Info: The BMWED SF AT&SFF will send a Nominations Notice to all members with additional instructions for participating in the nominations process.


    Mail Balloting: All members should receive a ballot at their home address before Thursday, March 4, 2021. Any member not receiving a ballot by that date should request a ballot by calling the BMWED SF AT&SFF.


    Eligibility Deadline: Dues must be paid at ATSFF SYSTEM FEDERATION, 521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114, before 5:00 PM on Thursday, March 18, 2021.


    For more details contact BMWED SF AT&SFF—or your OES Regional Director, Jim Devine: 4110 E. Cortez St., Phoenix AZ 85028, US

    Telephone: 703-599-0645 • E-mail: jdevine@ibtvote.org

    Plan Summary for Election of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the IBT Convention



    Date Time Location Eligibility Deadline

    1. Wed, Jan 20, 2021 10:00


    521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114

    Dues must be paid at 521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS

    67114, by 5:00 PM on Tuesday,

    January 19, 2021.


    System Federation BMWED AT&SFF

    Principal Officer: Mr. Jeffery L. Fry

    General Chairman

    Address: 521 SE10TH STREET

    NEWTON, KS 67114 USA

    Phone / Email: (918)510-8169



    The Rules for the 2020–2021 IBT International Union Delegate and Officer Election ("Rules") require every local union to submit a Local Union Plan for the election of delegates and alternates to the IBT International Convention. The Local Union must prepare and submit its plan using the Office of the Election Supervisor’s web-based system (the "LUEP System").

    The LUEP System requires detailed information from each Local Union about how it will perform the specific tasks and procedures that must be followed to nominate and elect IBT convention delegates and alternate delegates. Once the Local Union Plan is reviewed and approved in writing by the Election Supervisor, the local must conduct its delegate elections in the exact manner described in the approved Plan.

    Any local may seek modification of, or exemption from, any provision of the Rules by written application to the Election Supervisor. A request for modification or exemption must explain the reason or need for the requested change and shall clearly state any alternative means that the local proposes for guaranteeing the fair and honest conduct of the nomination and election process. Modifications and exemptions will only be granted for extraordinary circumstances.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: Is your local seeking a modification of, or exemption from, the Rules, that you have not previously requested and been granted?


    Please enter any modifications of, or exemption from, the Rules your local union is requesting below:

    Rule 12(a), 12(b) worksite and bulletin board list,

    There is no permanent worksite list for our members as they work and travel in many different locations across the rail system, throughout the United States. This travel changes daily so there is no worksite bulletin boards list available.

    Has your local requested and received approval for any modifications of the Rules, or any version of the Rules, that governed any previous IBT delegate election?


    If Yes, Please enter the modifications of, or exemption from, the Rules your local received and indicate in which year this occurred.

    Rule 12(a), 12 (b)

    Our locals do not have and maintain bulletin boards at worksites.

    If you have any questions about the information to be entered into the LUEP System, or how to enter it, contact your Regional Director, Jim Devine, via email at jdevine@ibtvote.org or telephone at 703-599-0645.


    Office of the Election Supervisor

    for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters 1990 M Street, NW, Suite 650

    Washington, DC 20036

    Toll Free Phone Number: 1-844-428-8683 Electionsupervisor@ibtvote.org www.ibtvote.org


    Seasonal Election – June 1, 2020 Fall Election - June 30, 2020

    Winter/Spring Election - September 30, 2020

    Seasonal Elections: Any local union in which ten percent (10%) or more the membership is employed by a seasonal food industry. These Local Unions will be notified by the Election Supervisor of their seasonal status.

    Fall Elections: Any local with a regularly scheduled local union officer election in the fall of 2020 may choose to hold a fall delegate and alternate delegate election. If the Local Union chooses to elect delegates in the fall, the Local Union Plan must be submitted on or before June 30, 2020. Any local that does not submit its plan by this date shall be required to conduct delegate nominations and elections during the winter and spring of 2021.

    If the Local Union chooses to hold delegate and alternate elections in the fall of 2020, the delegate and alternate delegate nominations and elections must be conducted entirely separate from the Local Union’s officer elections. Contact the Election Supervisor or the Regional Director at the address listed above with any questions regarding how to conduct separate delegate and officer nominations and elections.

    Winter/Spring Election: All other local unions shall submit a Local Union Plan on or before September 30, 2020. A local union that does not submit a plan by this date will have to conduct its delegate election according to a plan imposed by the Election Supervisor. The cost of planning and conducting the election will be the responsibility of the local union.

    Please follow the instructions of the on-line LUEP form and provide the information that the LUEP system will use to generate the Local Union election plan.

    Section 1. Responsibility to Conduct the Election

    All elections must be conducted by mail ballot in accordance with the Rules. Ballots can be counted by hand or by mechanical device. Each local union has the option of either conducting its own delegate nomination and election, or hiring an outside agency to conduct the election.

    A local union that chooses to conduct the nomination and election process without an outside agency has two options:

    • Appoint an election committee (check local by-laws to see if this is required). Each candidate for office may designate one member of the local for service on the local union election committee, who shall be appointed by the President or Secretary-Treasurer.

    • Permit the local executive board to conduct the election. If this option is chosen, any local union officer or member who intends to seek nomination for delegate or alternate delegate, or who is a candidate for either position may not serve on the local union election committee and may not conduct the nomination or election of delegates or alternate delegates.


    Select from the drop-down choice whether the local union will conduct the nominations itself (either by election committee or the executive board), or will engage an outside agency. If the Local Union will use an outside agency, fill in the additional information regarding the name and address of the agency, the functions to be performed, and whether the local union has used that agency before. If the local union proposes to use an election committee, provide the names of committee members.



    1(a). Who will conduct the local union nomination meeting?

    Member of the Local Union Who is Not a Candidate


    Jackson Powell (ATSFF Executive Board Member, 316-737-0615) will not be a candidate,

    1(b). Who will conduct the local union election? Election Committee


    Members of the election committee will not be candidates:

    Jackson Powell (ATSFF Executive Board Member,(316) 737-0615)not seeking any position, Rachel Maciel (Administrative Assistant) and Summer Danby (Administrative Assistant). Both are our Office Administrative Asst's, they are not members of the BMWED-ATSFF and can be contacted at 316-283-1470

    Section 2: Number of Delegates and Payment of Expenses

    The local union must pay the convention expenses of all its elected delegates. A local union may only propose to send less than a full complement of delegates because of financial inability. To request an exemption, the local union must first demonstrate actual financial inability to the International General Secretary-Treasurer and then submit the request and any determination of the International General Secretary-Treasurer to the Election Supervisor for approval. If a local union receives approval to send less than the full complement of

    delegates, the candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes in the delegate election or, in the case of uncontested elections, the candidate(s) ranked highest in the lottery shall be sent to the Convention.


    Question 2(a) – Fill in the number of delegates to be elected to the IBT Convention.

    Question 2(b) - Fill in the number of alternate delegates to be elected to the IBT Convention.

    Question 2(c) – Indicate whether the local union will pay expenses for all of its delegates elected to the IBT Convention. If the local union seeks not to pay for some or all of the elected delegates, a "financial inability" exemption must be requested from the International General Secretary-Treasurer.

    A local union need not pay expenses of any or all of its alternate delegates to the IBT Convention, but must make the decision on whether to do so as part of the Local Union Plan.

    Question 2(d) – Indicate whether the local union will pay expenses of all alternate delegates to attend the IBT convention. If not, indicate the number, if any, of alternate delegates for whom the local union will pay expenses.






    2(a). How many delegates are to be elected to the IBT Convention?

    2(b). How many alternate delegates are to be elected to the IBT Convention?

    2(c). Will the local union pay expenses for all of its delegates elected to the IBT Convention?

    2(d). Will the local union pay expenses for all of its alternate delegates elected to the IBT Convention?

    A Local Union may not pay IBT Convention expenses of any non-delegate or non-alternate delegate officer, member, or guest, unless it sends all of its delegates and alternate delegates to the Convention and pays their Convention Expenses.

    Section 3: Nomination Meeting Dates

    The Rules provide that a candidate can be nominated and seconded and can accept a nomination in writing. Each local may choose to only have one nomination meeting. If a local union is having a regularly scheduled officer election in the fall of 2020, it may decide to conduct the IBT Convention delegate and alternate nomination and election in the fall. The local union's election schedule must provide at least twenty-one (21) days from the mailing of the nomination notice to the date of the first nomination meeting, and provide for at least thirty (30) days between the date of the Local Union's last nomination meeting and the date the ballots are mailed.

    The nomination period for fall delegate and alternate delegate nominations is September 1, 2020 – November 7, 2020

    Local unions that do not have a regularly scheduled local union officer election in the fall of 2020 must hold the Convention delegate and alternate delegate nomination(s) meeting between January 4, 2021 and March 7, 2021.


    Question 3(a) — Indicate the number of nomination meetings the local union will hold.

    Question 3(b) — For each nomination meeting, provide the date, time, and location of the meeting; indicate whether the location has changed from the last set of delegate nomination meetings [Y/N]; indicate whether the nomination meeting is scheduled for a date other than a regularly scheduled general membership meeting [Y/N] and, if it is not on the date of a regularly scheduled general membership meeting, provide an explanation. Also provide the date and location of the office where written nominations and seconds may be delivered up to 5:00 pm of the day preceding the nomination meeting. Also provide the location, deadline date and time for payment of dues for nomination meeting eligibility. (Or, if zero meetings are scheduled, provide the general written-nomination and eligibility-dues deadline details.)

    A written nomination or second must be received by the Local Union Secretary-Treasurer no later than 5:00 PM of the day immediately prior to the day of the nomination meeting. Thus, if a nomination meeting is held on a Sunday or Monday (or a day after a holiday) the union office must be open until 5:00 PM on the preceding day, that is, the Saturday, Sunday or holiday, to receive written nominations.

    Notice of the nomination meeting must be mailed to each member of the local union at least twenty-one (21) days before the first nomination meeting.

    Question 3(c) — Provide the mailing address for the receipt of written nominations, seconds and acceptances via US mail, UPS or other delivery service.

    Question 3(d) — Provide an email address for the receipt of written nominations, seconds and acceptances.

    The IBT Constitution provides that members of the local union who are in arrears in the payment of their dues can pay their arrearage in order to be eligible to participate in the election. A member that pays all arrearages at any time before the regular close of business on the last business day before the nomination meeting must be allowed to participate in the meeting.

    Question 3(e) — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments have issued orders or recommendations to close businesses or your union may have decided to close for public health reasons. If your union office is closed during any part of the nomination and/or election period, please provide a procedure for cash dues payers to pay their dues in a timely manner.

    If the nomination meeting results in a contested election for delegate or alternate delegate, the Notice of Election (OES Form 11) must be posted on all local union bulletin boards not later than seven (7) days after the last nomination meeting. The Notice of Election should be posted on the local union's website, and printed in the local union's newsletter/newspaper or other official publication. Use OES Form 12 to prepare the Notice of Election.



    3(a). How many nomination meetings will the local union hold?

    3(b). Nomination Meetings


    1/20/2021, 10:00 AM



    521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114, (same location)


    Written nomination deadline/location: 1/19/2021 at 5:00 PM; 521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114

    Eligibility dues deadline/location: 1/19/2021 at 5:00 PM; 521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114

    3(c). What is the mailing address members should use to send written nominations, seconds and acceptances?

    521 SE 10TH STREET NEWTON, KS 67114

    3(d). What is the email address members should use to send written nominations, seconds and acceptances?


    3(e). If the regular union office is closed due to government "Stay at Home" restrictions or another basis for closure, what steps has the local taken to ensure cash dues payers can still pay their dues in a timely manner?


    Section 4: Mailing the Nomination Notice

    The local union must use the official OES Nomination Notice form to provide members with notice of the nomination meeting. Get a copy of the Nomination Notice (Form 7) under the "Official Forms" tab at the OES web site, www.ibtvote.org, or by contacting OES directly or contacting the local union's OES Regional Director.

    The Nomination Notice may be distributed in one of two ways:

    • Mail the notice in a separate, first class mailing to each member. If the local union is conducting an officer election at the same time as the IBT Convention delegate and alternate delegate election, the nomination notices for IBT Convention delegate and local officer elections may be mailed in one envelope, but the notices must be printed on separate sheets of paper and the two notices must be on different colored paper.

    • Include the notice in the local union or joint council newsletter/newspaper, which is then mailed by first class mail to each member. Note: The newsletter/newspaper may not be mailed more than 90 days before the nomination meeting.


    Question 4(a) — Choose from the dropdown menu whether the Nomination Notice will be mailed separately to each member, or be published in the local union or joint council newsletter/newspaper. Indicate the format chosen for mailing the notice of nomination meeting; provide the date for mailing the Nomination Notice.

    It is essential the local union have, and maintain, an accurate mailing list with the correct, current home addresses for all of its members to insure that all members receive the Nomination Notice. The Election

    Supervisor recommends that the local union update the local union's member address list before mailing Nomination Notices to members.

    Question 4(b) — Indicate whether the local union will update the local union mailing list before sending the Nomination Notice.

    Question 4(c) — Provide the date that the local union will mail the Nomination Notice to members.




    First-class mail to each member

    4(a). How will the local union distribute notice of the nomination meeting to the members?

    4(b). Will the local union update the local union mailing list before sending nomination notice?

    4(c). What is the date the local union will mail the nomination notice?


    Section 5A: Election Dates and Election Procedures

    Election Dates

    The Rules require local unions to conduct the election of delegates and alternate delegates using a printed ballot distributed to all eligible members by mail and returned by mail.

    Ballot Mailing Date: Ballots cannot be mailed until at least thirty (30) days after the last nomination meeting.

    Again, it is essential the local union have, and maintain, an accurate mailing list with the correct, current home addresses for all of its members to insure that all members receive a ballot package. The Election Supervisor recommends that the local union use the returned Nomination Notices to update the local union's member address list before mailing ballot packages.

    Election Date: The date for the ballot count (Election Day), which is also the deadline for the return of ballots to be counted must be at least 24 days after the ballot is mailed. To determine the 24 day period do not count the day the ballots are mailed but do include Election Day.

    Election Day must be scheduled on a date that the post office is open for business and the local union is able to pick up the voted ballots returned for counting. Ballots should be picked up from the post office after 9:00

      1. on Election Day. The ballot count should start at or after 10:00 a.m.

        Fall Election Time Period: The election time period for fall delegate and alternate delegate elections is October 24, 2020–December 31, 2020.

        Winter/Spring Election Time Period: The election period for winter/spring delegate and alternate delegate elections is February 27, 2021–April 30, 2021.


        Question 5A(a) — Provide the ballot mailing date.

        Question 5A(b) — Indicate whether the local union will update the local union mailing list before sending ballot packages.

        Question 5A(c) — Provide the ballot count (Election Day) date and the time the ballot count will start.

        Question 5A(d) — Provide the full address of the location of the ballot count.




        10:00 AM


        5A(a). What is the date the local union will mail ballots to each ballot-eligible member?

        5A(b). Will the local union update the local union mailing list before mailing ballot packages?

        5A(c). What is the date and time the local union will conduct the ballot count?


        5A(d). What is full address of the location of the ballot count?

        521 SE 10TH STREET NEWTON, KS 67114

        Section 5B: Printing and Mailing Ballots and Storing Election Materials

        The ballot package mailed to each eligible member must include:

        • Instructions on how to fill out the ballot and return the ballot by mail.

        • A ballot.

        • A ballot secrecy sleeve or envelope to hold the voted ballot.

        • A postage-paid envelope for returning the voted ballot by mail.

          Use OES Form 12, available under the "Official Forms" tab at www.ibtvote.org, for the instructions and ballot form.

          Ballots should be printed and mailed at a location in the same geographic area as the local union so that candidates and their observers may easily observe the printing and mailing of the ballots. The local union may contract with one entity to print the ballots, prepare the ballot packages, and mail out the packages. The printer should provide the local union with a count of the exact number of ballots printed; the printer or mailer should provide the local union with the number of ballot packages mailed out, and the number of ballots remaining as printed stock.

          If the local union chooses to contract with a union printer or mailing service that is not locally situated, provide an explanation for making that choice. The local may use printing or mailing shops which employ members of the Graphic Communications Conference of the IBT. The local may not enter into a contract with any printer or mailer that employs any members of the local, without obtaining a waiver from OES. If the local wants to use a union printer and mailer and can only locate union shops employing members of your local, the local must request a written waiver from this prohibition.


          Question 5B(a) — Indicate whether the local union requesting a waiver to use a printer or mailer that employs members of the local.

          Question 5B(b) — Provide the name and address of the ballot printer, and provide the mileage from the local union's principal office to the address of the printer.

          Question 5B(c) — Provide the name and address of the ballot mailer, and provide the mileage from the local union's principal office to the address of the mailer.

          Renting Mail Boxes for Returned Ballots and Undeliverable Ballots

          The mail ballot procedure requires the local union to rent two post-office boxes:

        • One box to hold voted ballots returned by members. The ballots will collect in that post-office box and be held there until Election Day.

        • One box to receive ballots that the post office is unable to deliver because the member's address is incorrect.

    The local union cannot use an existing post office box where it receives mail for regular business; the boxes to be rented are for use only with the election. The local union should not rent the two post office boxes at the same post office where the local union has a regular business post office box because the U.S. Postal Service might mix up the local's business mail with the ballots.

    Question 5B(d) — Provide the post office box address the local union will use to receive voted ballots returned by mail, and to hold the ballots until Election Day.

    Question 5B(e) — Provide the post office box address the local union will use to receive ballot packages returned as undeliverable.



    5B(a). Is the local union requesting a waiver to use a printer or mailer that employs members of the local?

    5B(b). What is the name and address of the ballot printer?

    Beacon Press

    110 SE 5th Street Lee's Summit, MO 64063


    What is the mileage from the local union's principal office to the address of the printer?

    5B(c). What is the name and address of the ballot mailer?


    Our office staff who is directing the election will mail the ballots with any observer(s) that wish to observe.

    What is the mileage from the local union's principal office to the address of the mailer?


    5B(d). What is the post office box address the local union will use to receive voted ballots returned by mail, and to hold the ballots until Election Day?

    U.S. Postal Service

    400 N. Poplar St Newton, KS 67114

    5B(e). What is the post office box address the local union will use to receive ballot packages returned as undeliverable?

    U.S. Postal Service 2509 N. Main St.

    North Newton, KS 67117

    Section 6: Ballot Security and Remailing Ballot Packages Returned as Undeliverable

    The local union must identify a person responsible for: a) keeping the unused ballot stock in a secure location;

    1. retrieving ballot packages returned to the post office box as undeliverable and seeking to update member addresses to remail ballot packages; c) providing a duplicate ballot to a member that makes such a request; and d) maintaining detailed records of the returned and remailed ballot packages.

      • Ballot security. The local union must safeguard the ballots after printing and mailing, including through the end of the ballot count. At a minimum: (i) Ballots must be secured in a secure and tamper proof location such as a locked filing cabinet or similar container; (ii) if ballot stock is stored in a corrugated box or similar vessel, the vessel must be taped shut with signatures of observers over the tape; and (iii) no candidate can have access to any ballot stock.

      • Remailing. After ballot packages are mailed, the local union must make frequent visits to the post office and retrieve ballot packages returned as undeliverable. The local must search promptly for information to update the member's mailing address, and remail the ballot. Sources to be consulted for updated address information include: (i) the member; (ii) the member's employer; (iii) shop stewards;

        1. health and welfare funds.

      • Responding to member requests for duplicate ballots. If a member contacts the local union to request a duplicate ballot, the local union must mail out the requested ballot within two days. The local must keep a record of mailing any duplicate ballot so the election officials at the count will know which, if any members were sent duplicate ballots.


        Question 6(a) — Identify the person responsible for ballot security, and processing remail and duplicate ballot requests.

        Question 6(b) — State the secure location where the local union will keep its unused ballot stock, and how the location is secured.

        Question 6(c) — State how often, after the ballot packages are mailed, the local union will visit the post office to retrieve ballot packages returned as undeliverable.


        6(a). Identify the person (name, address, phone, email) responsible for ballot security, remail, and processing duplicate ballot requests.

        Rachel Maciel (not a member, not a candidate)

        521 se 10TH Street Newton, KS 67114 (316)283-1470 rmaciel@atsff.org

        6(b). Where will the local union keep its unused ballot stock, and how will the stock be secured?

        In a locked filing cabinet located in front office.

        6(c). After the ballot packages are mailed, how often will the local union visit the post office box to pick up ballot packages returned as undeliverable.

        Every day

        Section 7: Election Day Procedures

        On Election Day, voted ballots should be retrieved from the post office box where they have accumulated and brought back, unopened, to the count site. The general procedure recommended for the ballot count uses these steps:

      • The Election Committee puts all the envelopes in alphabetical order, according to the return address label bearing the voter's name.

      • For each returned envelope, compare the voter's name to the voter eligibility list.

      • If the voter is eligible, place the unopened envelope in a container marked "Eligible." If the voter's eligibility is in doubt, mark the outside of the envelope with the letter "C" for "Challenged" and place it in a separate container labeler "Challenged."

      • Continue until all the return envelopes have been compared to the voter eligibility list.

      • Open all the outer return envelopes in the "Eligible" grouping. Extract the Secret Ballot Sleeve or Envelope, and separate them from the outer return envelopes. Do not remove the ballots or open the Secret Ballot Envelopes at this step.

      • After separating the outer return envelopes from the Secret Ballot Sleeve or Envelope, and otherwise preserving the secrecy of each voter, remove the ballots from the Secret Ballot Sleeves or Envelopes.

      • The Election Supervisor recommends, but does not require, using a mechanical device to count ballots, and the local union may determine to count ballots manually.

      • If ballots are counted manually, the ballots must be tallied at least two times. The procedure recommended for a manual count uses these steps:

      • Separate the ballots into three stacks for counting as follows:

          1. The voter chose a full slate of candidates.

          2. The voter chose a partial slate of candidates.

          3. The voter chose only individual candidates.

    After sorting, count each stack of ballots in groups of fifty (50) ballots.

    When the tally of ballots initially determined to be Eligible is complete, count the number of envelopes in the "Challenged" container. If the number of challenged ballots could affect the outcome of any contest, the Election Committee should immediately recess the count and contact the Election Supervisor's Regional Director without attempting to resolve eligibility challenges. The Office of the Election Supervisor is solely responsible for resolving the eligibility of voters who cast challenged ballots.


    Question 7(a) — Indicate whether the local union will follow OES procedure for organizing and opening ballots on Election Day. If not, provide an explanation of the procedure to be followed.

    Question 7(b) — Indicate whether local union will use mechanical device to count ballots.

    Question 7(c) — If the answer to Question 7(a) is "No," indicate whether the local union will follow OES procedure for the manual count of ballots. If not, provide an explanation of the procedure to be used.





    7(a). Will the local union follow OES procedure for organizing and opening ballots on Election Day?

    7(b). Will the local union use a mechanical device to count ballots?

    7(c). If 7(b) is no, will the local union follow OES procedure for manual count of ballots?


    Section 8: Payment of Dues Arrearages to Be Eligible to Vote

    The IBT Constitution provides that members of the local union who are in arrears in the payment of their dues can pay their arrearage in order to be eligible to participate in the election. A member that pays all arrearages at any time before the regular close of business on the last business day before Election Day will be classified as eligible to vote.


    Question 8(a) — Provide the location, deadline date and time for payment of dues to be eligible to vote as of Election Day.

    Question 8(b) — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments have issued orders or recommendations to close businesses or your union may have decided to close for public health reasons. If your union office is closed during any part of the nomination and/or election period, please provide a procedure for cash dues payers to pay their dues in a timely manner.


    8(a). What is the location, deadline date and time for payment of dues to be eligible to vote as of Election Day?

    Thursday, March 18, 2021, 5:00 PM, ATSFF SYSTEM FEDERATION, 521 SE 10TH STREET, NEWTON, KS 67114

    8(b). If the regular union office is closed due to government "Stay at Home" restrictions or another basis for closure, what steps has the local taken to ensure cash dues payers can still pay their dues in a timely



    Section 9: Maintaining Election Records

    The local union must store the ballots and all other election materials for one year after certification of the election results. At the end of the year, all election materials must be destroyed unless there is a protest or investigation regarding the election.


    The Election Supervisor recommends that all election records—including voted ballots, unused ballots, challenged ballots, voted ballots, spoiled ballots, ballot envelopes, tally sheets and voter eligibility lists—be collected at the conclusion of Election Day and packaged, taped and signed with signatures by the election authority and any observers that choose to sign.


    9(a). Will the local union follow OES procedures to preserve records of the election as required by law?


    Section 10: Language Questions

    Local unions with members whose first language is not English must make election materials available in the language of those members. OES materials are available in English, French, and Spanish. OES will provide materials in additional languages as needed.


    Question 10(a) — Fill in the percentage of the membership whose primary language is not English.

    Question 10(b) — Indicate whether the local union prints or publishes a newsletter/newspaper in a language other than English and, if "Yes," specify the languages.

    Question 10(c) — Indicate whether the local union has ever printed a delegate election ballot in a language other than English and, if "Yes," specify the languages.

    Question 10(d) — State whether there is any reason why election materials should (or should not) be printed in a language other than English.

    Question 10(e) — Indicate whether the local union requests a local union plan summary translated into Spanish.

    Question 10(f) — Indicate whether the local union requests a local union plan summary translated into French.





    10(a). What percentage of the local union membership does not use English as a primary language?

    10(b). Does the local union print or publish its newsletter/newspaper in a language other than English?

    10(c). In any previous delegate election, did the local union print a delegate election ballot in a language other than English?


    10(d). Is there any reason why election materials should, or should not, be published in a language other than English?




    10(e). Does the local union request a local union plan summary translated into Spanish?

    10(f). Does the local union request a local union plan summary translated into French?

    Section 11: Literature Table

    The Rules require each local union to establish a literature table and/or bulletin board in a public area of each Local Union facility which is open to members for the nondiscriminatory distribution/display of campaign literature for the 2021 IBT International Union Officer Election.


    State the location and dimensions of the literature table and / or bulletin board for distribution of candidate literature.


    11. Location and dimensions of literature table:


    inches wide by 48 inches tall (top of display case, will be clearly labeled)at:

    521 SE 10th street, Newton, KS 67114, displayed on the "bulletin board" located at www.atsff.com, and sent to the local lodges of the ATSFF Federation.

    Section 12: Attachments


    The Election Supervisor requires the local union plan to include an accurate and complete list of current and accurate worksite addresses for the local union. A worksite list must contain all places, with addresses, where any and all of the local union members work. The worksite list must be arranged alphabetically by employer name. A model worksite list is available under the "Official Forms" tab at www.ibtvote.org.

    Union Bulletin Boards

    Certain sections of the Rules require the local union Secretary-Treasurer to post nomination and election related materials on union bulletin boards. A "Union Bulletin Board" means any bulletin board to which the international union or local union has access for the purpose of posting information concerning the business and/or activities of the union and includes bulletin boards at the office of the Union as well as bulletin boards located on employer premises. A list of bulletin board locations is required for oversight of the posting requirements.

    Local Union By-Laws and Constitution

    If your local union has By-Laws or a Constitution separate from the IBT International Constitution, provide a copy to the OES.

    Court Orders, Consent Decrees, Other Agreements

    If your local union is covered by a court, administrative decision, legal settlement, or other agreement which governs or affects your local union's elections, provide a copy to OES.

    E-Mail Lists

    If your local union has used email to distribute official communications to members, and maintains lists of email addresses, those lists may be made available to candidates for campaign-related communications.


    No Yes

    Upload files here

    Upload files here

    12(a). Indicate whether the worksite list is being submitted as an attachment, or is being emailed or mailed separately.


    FORM43-Work-Site-and-Bulletin-Board-List-2020-3-23.pdf WORKSITE LIST DOCUMENT.rtf

    FORM43-Work-Site-and-Bulletin-Board-List-NO. 1.pdf 4100 work list locations.docx


    12(b). Does the local union have bulletin boards covered by the Rules?

    12(c). Does your local union have current Local Union By-laws or a Constitution separate from the International Constitution?

    Indicate whether local union Constitution and By-Laws are being submitted as an attachment, or are being emailed or mailed separately.






    2017 current bylaws approved 4-4-18.pdf 2017 current bylaws approved 4-4-18.pdf

    12(d). Is the local union covered by a court, administrative decision, legal settlement, or other agreement which governs or affects elections?

    12(e). Does the local union, or any officer, business agent, or shop steward maintain a list of member email addresses used to communicate union business?

    Section 13: Publications

    Local Union Publications: If your local union publishes its own newspaper, newsletter, magazine, or periodical, whether in printed or electronic form, add the OES and your Regional Director to the distribution lists of your publications. The Rules require that the Election Supervisor review and approve the content of all IBT newsletters/newspapers, including local union publications, in the event of a contested general election.

    Be advised that the copy to be included in any newsletter/newspaper which you propose to distribute after the close of the 2021 IBT Convention must be transmitted to the OES for review and approval before publication.

    Websites and Social Media: If your local union maintains a website and/or social medial accounts (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) OES requires a list of all urls for such sites and accounts




    13(a). Does the local union produce its own publications?

    13(b). Does the local union maintain a website and/or social media accounts for official communications with members?

    List URLs (Web addresses) for all websites and social media accounts:



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